Reading Club

Next Reading Event: TBD
October 2022
September 25: Anti-Racism Event
September 25th from 4-6pm. The topic for our September event is Anti-Racism.
The event will feature:
  • a guest speaker (Reymundo Quezada)
  • an examination of “voices” from the USD community on racism/anti-racism via a digital chalkboard
  • a discussion on 3 short texts in breakout rooms

In preparation for the event, we are asking the USD community (faculty, alumni, and students) to respond to this question:

  • What examples of racism/anti-Blackness have you experienced and/or witnessed @ USD?
  • Conversely, what examples of anti-racism have you experienced and/or witnessed @ USD?
You can add your voice (anonymously or not) by clicking here: Anti-Racism Digital Conversation .
Please follow the link below to access the readings we will discuss. We look forward to hearing your thoughts in our breakout sessions.
Past Reading Events:
Audience Survey (due 7/31)
We would like to hear your ideas for the next book club.
Please complete the survey by July 31, 2020 using the following link:
July 8th:
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism (DiAngelo, 2018)
We are so grateful for the participation in the book club on White Fragility! Here are links to the uploaded
  • video of the group discussions
  • slidedeck, from the event
  • chat box reflections shared by participants

We would like to thank everyone who showed up for our brave conversation!

#BLM, White Fragility

Here are some suggestions for Authors, Books, Movies, and News Articles: