Critical Race Theory & Healing

Dear #BLM & Beyond Social Justice & Advocacy Series Folx,
Thank you so much for all you did to make our on campus event so impactful! We were so grateful to host Dr. Frank Harris III (SDSU Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), Khea Pollard (Director of Economic Mobility & Opportunity, CEO of By Any Beans Necessary, and USD Alumna), and our own co-found of this series, Dr. Joseph Lathan (Professor of Practice, Director of Online Programs). We thank Sahmie Wytewa for providing the land acknowledgement and reminding us about the importance of moving beyond performative nods to inspired engagement with the Kumeyaay community. We were so happy to have our community partners: Jacobs InstituteDreams & Ducets, and the Palestine Solidarity Committee share about the work they are doing within our communities. Finally, thank you to Dean Kimberly A. White Smith for her reminders of the importance of this work in the faculty closing.
In case you missed the event, you can still see most of it (I forgot to record at the beginning- insert sad face) on our youtube page: Link to March 24 Event.
We look forward to hosting our Juneteenth event on June 15 at 4:30. Register Here.  

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