Maze- Philosophy of Manufacturer

Through this document it is evident that there was a big evolution in manufacturing with the Industrial Revolution. It is clear in this document that we are hearing the words of the weather upper class that speak for the factory owners. Though it becomes evident to the reader that this is one side, we know that there is another side (the lower class) that were the ones the factory owners were addressing this message to. One of the main points of this letter was that though the machines took away some peoples jobs, it was more cost efficient and took away the hard labor that these men had to do and let them rest. Though some people did lose their jobs, some were able to keep their jobs as now running the machines as well as getting a pay raise with that. He is stating that he is actually doing a service for these men who lost their jobs because now they do not need to spend as much time doing all the things that a machine can now do in a matter of minutes. It is additionally beneficial to factory owners because the cost of paying these workers will be cut and now they can hire people who will work for less to do simple tasks such as running the machines. Overall, the industrial revolution has helped improve the speed of Great Britain and made it extremely efficient as well as wealthy. The evolution of Great Britain and its economy is what keeps it up to date with other countries and gain a profit as well as new modernized technology. It is quite evident that the author basically ignored the workers request and complaints but instead explained their reasoning behind this new technological advancement. 

 One question from how to read a document that I found to be most relatable to this document was  “what can we learn about the society that produced this document?” I believe that though these workers were put through a time period of what seemed to them to be a tragic change, but to the benefit of many people in Great Britain and the Economy, an absolutely necessary change and advancement with the Industrial Revolution. Being that we are from the 20th century where we basically know no other way but manufacturing with machinery, it is hard to picture life without these technological advancements. Though this machinery was quite beneficial, it is hard as a human to not put yourself in the lower classes position and wonder what their life would change to be now that their work that many of them relied on to provide for their families and for most, enjoyed was taken away from them and with that to get a pretty un affectionate letter in response from a hierarchy must have been a hard obstacle to overcome. Overall though the Industrial Revolution was absolutely necessary, that did not mean that it did not come with consequences as well.

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