The storyline behind the document by Andrew Ure “The Philosophy of the Manufacturers, 1835” was that during the time the industrial revolution was booming, a new social and economic class was forming and inventors were at the climax of their careers. Many technological advancements, as well as industrial advancements, were taking place. Inventions like the steam engine as a source of power, canals used for industrial transportation, and the use of machinery for manufacturing various products were very popular. This paved the way for England to take an important role in international trade and mass production.
Nonetheless, these new ways of manufacturing were causing a stir for the workers who were part of the various industries, this was because the new use of machinery was taking over the industry thus causing thousands of people to lose their jobs. The jobs for these people were almost viewed as a way of life and in a way as an inheritance to their children since during this time it was customary for children to continue the same trade as their parents.
Andrew Ure who came from a wealthy educated family and was himself a highly educated man wrote this document in order to show his support for the new technologies and ways of manufacturing, in hopes to share with people his reasonings and arguments behind his position, proving that the allegations and criticism for this topic were “groundless”, as Ure states in the document. During this period it was very clear to observe a division in society in regards to their view of this issue, but what Ure focuses on in his “ Philosophy of the Manufacturers” is on showing people the various ways in which industrialization was not only a way of making the country a manufacturing competitor in the international market but also the benefits that this gave to the workers, or the “blessings” as he refers to them. He focuses on getting cheap goods, and the creation of more jobs for the people, in the macro-level context he states how industrialization is a great way to advance as a country.
Before industrialization took place, skilled workers had to do the labor by hand and perform extremely long, hard, and tiring tasks in order to manufacture distinct products. But when industrialization took place the labor was transformed, and manufacturers were able to produce industrial quantities of goods and distribute these goods in the country and even at an international level. People in this era, more specifically inventors and manufacturers centered around the idea of using natural resources in order to produce and distribute the products, natural resources like air, water, steam, etc. This idea resulted in the romanticism toward nature and the relationship between man and nature. On the other hand, people from the distinct classes including the working classes were still rejecting this movement, due to the new work ethics which were taking place and overall the changes in society industrialization caused. In addition, the pollution in the environment from the factories was causing a transformation from what once were rural villages and green fields, to industrial towns that might have looked something like a slum, which resulted in life-changing consequences for many people.