Read me first!

Before you do anything else, fix the name in your profile! On the left-hand side of the black menu bar at the top, click where it says HIST 140 and select Dashboard. Once you’re in the Dashboard, there’s another black menu bar along the left. Click on the Users icon (looks like a person’s head and shoulders) and select Profile. WordPress constructs your full name by putting together your first name and your last name. Makes sense. But the process of importing your information from the USD directory puts your full name in the first name field. Scroll down until you find the first name field and make sure it just has your first name! Example: Cass Graham is currently listed as “Cassandra B Graham Graham” because “Cassandra B Graham” was loaded into the first name field. In this case, Cass would change her first name field to “Cassandra” or “Cass”.

Why do you care? Because any post created with an erroneous profile name will display that name forever, even if you subsequently change it. So fix it now, and avoid the annoyance of having to look at a mangled version of your name for the rest of the semester!

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