FST Community News—Oct. 14-20

Amidst the busyness of the week, we hope you take a moment to pause and appreciate the small things. Beauty is all around us, in the simple, everyday moments. Take a breath and enjoy.

Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday, October 16 – FST liturgy at Founders Chapel at 4:30 pm, followed by a community meal in the Founders Hall Faculty Lounge.
  • Monday, October 21 to 25 – FST Fall Reading Week. There will be no classes. FST offices are open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 24, at 7:00 pm- Special Election Season Lecture with Fr. Thomas Nairn, OFM– The Franciscan Moral Vision. Taking its origin in the lives and spirituality of St. Francis and St. Clare, the Franciscan moral vision is an aesthetic vision where living morally arises from reflection on beauty, which in turn leads to a response to the generosity, graciousness, and love that God has first shown us. This lecture will reflect upon this vision and propose how it can help people of today in living our lives in response to God’s love. For more information, please click here.
  • Thursday, October 24, at 12:30. Chicago/Turabian workshop at Copley Library with Martha A. Adkins. All are welcome to attend this session to learn the basics of The Chicago Manual of Style and Kate Turabian’s Manual for Writers.
  • Zoom rosary each Saturday at 4:30 pm PDT. All are welcome to participate by clicking here.

Save the Date

Thursday, November 7, 2024 – 4:15-5:45 PM

Ministry Days: A Look at Parish and Diocesan Ministries

A panel of four presenters will discuss what ministry positions are potentially available at Catholic parishes or Diocesan offices, how to find those opportunities, and what to expect when serving in these roles.

This event will be in Coronado Hall’s classroom from 4:15 to 5:45 p.m. (it can also be attended virtually). There will be time set aside for questions and answers. For more information, please click here.

A Message from the Student Leadership Team

In honor of All Souls’ Day, we invite all members of the FST community to submit photos of your loved ones who have entered eternal glory with God. We will be creating a slideshow to remember and celebrate their lives, which will be shared with the entire FST community on All Souls’ Day via email. 

Please include a photo along with their name and a few words to describe how they are related to you (e.g. friend, cousin, mother-in-law). Let us come together (virtually) and remember and honor those who have touched our lives.

Please send your submissions to brucetran@sandiego.edu by Monday, October 21, 2024.

Employment Opportunities

ICA Cristo Rey Academy, located in San Francisco in the Cristo Rey model, is currently seeking a principal. For more information and details on how to apply, please click here

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