FST Community News—Sep. 2-8

Important Information:

  • Friday, September 6 – Deadline to add or drop any class(es) for the 2024 Fall semester.
  • At the beginning of every academic year, students who are registered for nine units or more will need to decide to enroll in or waive out of the USD Student Health Plan. You are automatically enrolled in this plan unless you waive it no later than September 13, 2024. Go to health insurance and complete it as soon as possible.
  • Friday, September 20 – The deadline date to petition for Fall graduation. If you plan on finishing your degree program by the end of the 2024 Fall semester, please fill out this Intent to Graduate form and email to Brady Young at byoung@fst.edu.

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday, September 4 – FST’s first liturgy for Fall 2024 at Founders Chapel at 4:30pm followed by a community meal in the Founders Hall Faculty Lounge. We will have a Mexican feast for our meal. We will livestream the first (9/4) and final (12/11) Mass for the Fall semester. You can join in virtually by clicking here.
  • Books from Fr. Mike Blastic’s collection are available in both the hallway outside his old office and in Dr. Pryds old office. Feel free to take what you would like.
  • Zoom rosary each Saturday at 4:30pm PDT. All are welcome to participate by clicking here.
  • Thursday, September 12 – USD’s Mass of the Holy Spirit at the Immaculata Church at 12:15pm. For more information, please click here.
  • Thursday, September 12 – FST Zoom lecture at 7pm. Thomas Piolata, OFM Cap, will be presenting, “A Meditation on the Holy Spirit and the Stigmata.” For more information, please click here.
  • Saturday, September 14 – A Franciscan family celebration of the 800th centenary of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi at Immaculate Conception parish between 10:30am to 1:30pm. For more information, please click here.
  • Ministry Day. Are you wondering what you might use your degree for? Have you ever considered serving as a chaplain? Come and hear about what this ministry is all about from a panel of four professionals on Thursday, September 26. This event will be in Coronado Hall classroom from 4:15-5:45pm (can be attended virtually as well). There will be time set aside for questions and answers. For more information, please click here.

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