About the Blog

Welcome to “Studies of Black History at the University of San Diego”!

This blog, established in the Spring of 2019, is filled with short essays authored by undergraduate students at the University of San Diego during their time in the course, African American History, taught by Dr. Channon S. Miller of the Department of History. In these essays, these scholars capture and discuss Black history, life, and culture. Many of the essays delve into local San Diego history, while others share their reviews of films on and by Black people. Some engage the conversations between and among scholars and activists, as well as reflect on commemorations of Black History Month.

Before you read – know that you will be journeying through and across a collection with hills and valleys, ins and outs, highways and byways. You are witnessing a generation of scholars locate their voices as writers and learn how to use the pen to grapple with the history of a people with a complex history. With this in mind – thank you for your engagement, and your grace.

If you are interested in reaching the students – to offer mentorship, insights, and assistance in their writings and research, or specialize in any of the areas presented and would like to visit our course and serve as a guest speaker, contact us at channonmiller@sandiego.edu.